National Stories
Opinion from Illinois appellate court says FOIA rules for the cost of electronic records trump other laws that might assess fees for paper records. The charge should not exceed the cost of the medium used to convey the data. The upshot is that the chief deputy supervisor of assessments can’t charge $.05 per parcel for an electronic database of “current real property assessments.”
Appellate Court of Illinois, Second District
Is it possible to ever know what you’re really getting when you eat a chicken nugget? At a certain level, perhaps not, but even those looking for a full accounting of the ingredients have few places to turn. You could trust what McDonald’s is willing to show us. You could dissect and study them under a microscope. Or, you could make like WBEZ Chicago and just FOIA them. As part of an ongoing effort to figure out the mysteries of school lunch, Monica Eng, a reporter for the Chicago public radio station, filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the state school district requesting a list of the ingredients included in its tax-funded cafeteria meals. This was easier said than done. The district took a month to mull it over, and then responded to Eng’s query as to the ingredients of chicken nuggets as follows: “chicken nuggets.”
The Republican National Committee filed a lawsuit Tuesday against the Internal Revenue Service, accusing the agency of failing to respond to a request for documents about the review of organizations seeking tax-exempt status. The committee sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the IRS in May 2013, according to the lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. More than 200 days later, the committee said it had not received any documents.
National Law Journal
A protester who disrupted a Supreme Court proceeding in February, and whose shouts at the justices were secretly recorded on a video that was later posted online, pleaded guilty on Tuesday to a misdemeanor offense. Noah Kai Newkirk, 33, entered his plea in the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in Washington, according to court records. He was sentenced to time served – the night he spent in jail after his arrest by court police. Newkirk, of Los Angeles, California, agreed to stay away from the Supreme Court grounds for a year.