National Stories
There’s so much data available on the internet that even government cyberspies need a little help now and then to sift through it all. So to assist them, the National Security Agency produced a book to help its spies uncover intelligence hiding on the web. The 643-page tome, called Untangling the Web: A Guide to Internet Research, was just released by the NSA following a FOIA request filed in April by MuckRock, a site that charges fees to process public records for activists and others.
Something was missing at a public hearing held by the State Senate on Tuesday to examine New York City’s campaign finance system: the public. Even before the hearing began, government watchdog groups complained that Republicans who led the panel would not allow them to testify. The Senate’s sergeants-at-arms went a step further: they would not allow members of the public into the hearing room, first saying that they needed to save space for legislative staff, then saying that the room had reached capacity. (At the same time, people in the room were posting images on Twitter of empty chairs.) Some reporters were also stopped from entering the hearing room; they were later allowed to enter.
New York Times
Otterbein University (in Westerville, Ohio) has been violating federal law by requiring students to keep alleged sexual assaults secret. Student Affairs staff has been requiring parties of sexual assault cases, including alleged victims, to sign a form preventing them from discussing the incident. It included the following: “Privacy must be maintained and the matter should not be discussed.” An investigation into the practice by the Tan & Cardinal showed that nondisclosure agreements in alleged campus sexual assault cases violate federal law.
Otterbein 360
Hawaii leaders say one of the highlights of the 2013 legislative session was greater transparency in the lawmaking process. But advocacy groups like Common Cause and the League of Women Voters, along with more critical legislators, say a lot more needs to be done to make Hawaii's legislative process clearer and more accessible to the public. The Legislature passed eight of 18 bills specifically criticized by watchdog groups after being passed with unrelated amendments or with largely new language compared with how the measures were introduced. Common Cause, the League of Women Voters and other organizations say the public wasn't given enough time to testify on the measures because of the way lawmakers changed the bills.
The Republic
If the movies, books or documentaries aren’t enough for you, there’s now a video game based on the Watergate story. The point and click adventure, which can be played online and is modeled after the 1987 Apple Macintosh game Shadowgate, is the creation of Samuel Kim and puts you in the shoes of Bob Woodward as it tries to crack the nut of the case. It’s not, of course, that simple. As Motherboard describes it, “It starts out as a pretty straightforward retelling of ‘All the President’s Men,’ but quickly gets trippy. Pretty soon, you’re digging up the skeleton of Checkers Nixon and confronting H.R. Haldeman with a mystical broadsword offered to you by Ben Bradlee.”
Reports detailing the NYPD’s infiltration and surveillance of the Muslim community are not subject to public scrutiny under the Freedom of Information Law, a Manhattan judge ruled Wednesday. Supreme Court Justice Alexander Hunter said the NYPD acted reasonably when it rejected a FOIL request on those activities by the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund and Muslim Advocates.
New York Daily News