June 30, 2020
The Virginian-Pilot
A Forest man says more than 1,200 people have reported restaurants, churches, and other businesses across the Commonwealth for not following Gov. Ralph Northam’s mask mandate. The man filed Freedom of Information Act request for that information. He’s calling it Snitch Leaks and it’s getting a lot of attention on social media. “The short answer is I wanted to see how many people would rat out Anne Frank. And it’s essentially that,” said Isaiah Knight. Knight got information for 1,293 people from the Virginia Department of Health (VDH).
(NOTE: Knight serves on the VCOG board of directors)
With such pressing matters as fall return-to-school plans and the fate of the Loudoun County High School mascot on the agenda, nearly 300 community members felt compelled to sign up for public comment at Tuesday’s Loudoun County School Board meeting.
Loudoun Times-Mirror
Members of the Leesburg Town Council will meet Tuesday night with a recruiter hired by the town to assist in the search for its next legal representative. The special meeting is not expected to yield a final decision on whom to select as the next town attorney, and much of the meeting is likely to be held in closed session. Human Resources Director Joshua Didawick declined to address questions about Tuesday’s meeting, citing Freedom of Information Act exemptions.
Newberry Observer
Before firing City Administrator Howard Lazarus in a 7-4 vote in February, Ann Arbor City Council members conducted his annual performance review. While council gave Lazarus an overall score of 3.2 out of 5, city emails show, it remains unknown what council members had to say about his job performance — specifically in which areas they praised him and in which areas they offered critique. The city won’t release those records under the Freedom of Information Act and council members say they can’t disclose what they didn’t like about Lazarus’ performance due to a non-disparagement clause in his termination agreement.
mLive Michigan