National Stories
Lawyers in Washington County, Penn., have expressed concerns that the installation of a courthouse microphone system aimed at cutting court reporting costs may have compromised attorney-client privilege. Some have even questioned whether the operation of the system has, at times, been in violation of the state's wiretap law.
Legal Intelligencer
Some of President Barack Obama's political appointees, including the secretary for Health and Human Services, are using secret government email accounts they say are necessary to prevent their inboxes from being overwhelmed with unwanted messages, according to a review by The Associated Press. The scope of using the secret accounts across government remains a mystery: Most U.S. agencies have failed to turn over lists of political appointees' email addresses, which the AP sought under the Freedom of Information Act more than three months ago. The Labor Department initially asked the AP to pay more than $1 million for its email addresses.
Prosecutors running a U.S. leak probe told the Associated Press about a seizure of the news agency's phone records within 90 days of taking them as it was required to do, a Justice Department official said on Tuesday. Peter Kadzik, a deputy assistant attorney general, wrote in a letter to lawmakers that the search was not secret, that the search of 2012 records was conducted in 2013, and that the department complied with its notification obligation.
A House committee approved legislation Tuesday to shut down the federal commission set up more than 10 years ago to help states improve their election systems. "This agency needs to go,'' said Mississippi Republican Rep. Gregg Harper, who introduced the bill to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission. "This agency has outlived its usefulness and to continue to fund it is the definition of irresponsibility.''
USA Today
Call it a bow the (temporary) ubiquity of Facebook. Or see it as a way to build a social media contact list. Either way, Rep. Eric Cantor has rolled out “,” the official aim of which is greater transparency. The homepage is pre-loaded with set of Republican bills (though, oddly, the sponsors of each bill, while named, are not identified by party). One can read the text of bills and where the bills stand in the legislative process. The obvious question, though, is what’s the point? All congressional legislation is currently available on THOMAS, a service maintained by the Library of Congress. In short, it’s a messaging tool. An interesting one, to be sure. But for those who still want just the facts, THOMAS and remain the ways to go.
Bearing Drift
A New York trial court ruled that The Wall Street Journal does not have to turn over years' worth of e-mail messages and reporter notes to business mogul Sheldon Adelson because those documents are protected by the state's shield law. Judge Donna M. Mills ruled in a four-page opinion last week that Adelson “failed to overcome the qualified privilege for non-confidential news gathering material” provided by the state shield law. Adelson claimed that the records could shed light on his defamation suit against a former employee who accused him of condoning prostitution. Wall Street Journal reporter Kate O’Keefe wrote about the prostitution accusation against Adelson in an article.
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press