September 7, 2021
Richmond Times-Dispatch
Very little is publicly known about a very public critic of the Mountain Valley Pipeline. Appalachians Against Pipelines established a Facebook page in February 2018, about the time that tree-sitters began their efforts to block construction of the massive natural gas pipeline. Since then, the group has used social media as a megaphone to promote its agenda, while otherwise remaining largely invisible. Mountain Valley is trying to find out who they are. In a subpoena recently filed in Roanoke’s federal court, the company asks Facebook to reveal the names and telephone numbers of those who established and maintain a page that has more than 21,000 followers. Appalachians Against Pipelines says the subpoena is nothing more than an effort to intimidate and silence them — a position shared by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a nonprofit group that advocates for privacy and free speech on the internet.
The Roanoke Times
A five and a half hour Charlottesville Planning Commission work session last week proved that the Future Land Use Map remains the most contentious part of the City of Charlottesville’s comprehensive plan update. The meeting began 30 minutes late due to technical difficulties with Zoom and ended shortly after the National Weather Service issued a tornado warning for the Charlottesville area — just as a citizen commented on how increasing density and walkability could be a good way to reduce carbon emissions and thus curb further contributions to climate change. According to Planning Commissioner Rory Stoltzenberg, who referenced public records for this information, the two public comment periods totaled 180 minutes, more than half of the 330-minute meeting. Koch’s presentation accounted for 58 minutes, Planning Commissioner feedback for 50 minutes, and city councilor feedback 25 minutes (the rest is pleasantries, procedure, and recesses).
Charlottesville Tomorrow
editorials & opinion
Jake Conley, The Breeze
Neither Jim Justice nor any of the governor’s men want you to know the costs of the West Virginia Executive Mansion, the taxpayer-funded building designated as the living and working quarters for this state’s chief executive. Governors before him have shared this information when asked. But not Justice. His lawyer says you do not have the right to know this. Because the mansion is his residence, the governor’s legal man speciously contends, records for utility, food, payroll and other expenses incurred there are not subject to the West Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Even though the Executive Mansion belongs not to the governor nor to any of his men but to the people of West Virginia, whose tax money a century ago paid for the land upon which the structure was built, the design of the building and the construction of it and whose tax money pays for its continued upkeep.
Lee Wolverton, The Herald-Dispatch