Transparency News

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Transparency News 7/12/19

voting out a voted in colleague; public radio news; cost of session

Transparency News 7/11/19

fate of the wall; still upset about the FOIA request; monument to journos

Transparency News 7/10/19

emails, meetings, firing; resolutions; self-destruct apps; Trump's social media accounts

Transparency News 7/9/19

court case database; double duties; pharma's data in light of SCOTUS ruling

Transparency News 7/8/19

text messages; inn, courthouse, closed session; re-scan?

Transparency News 7/5/19

student video take-down; selective disclosure; transition email; 1st A education

Transparency News 7/3/19

TJ Center repurposes; independent investigation; not records yet

Transparency News 7/2/19

don't want to be coerced; ideally; unseen database; genealogy in crime fighting

Transparency News 7/1/19

new laws; PAC-funded report; meeting arrests; sealing records in Penn.

Transparency News 6/28/19

annotated will cost you; Apple Watch; contract in closed meeting?


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