Transparency News

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Transparency News 4/30/18

more FOIA council meetings; no stop video; gift agreements; fiscal colonoscopy

Transparency News 4/27/18

LPR case; police emails; who loves FOIA?; withdrawn bill; JFK again delayed

Transparency News 4/26/18

council meetings; Powhatan FOIA suit; from B- to C; archiving texts

Transparency News 4/25/18

training; foundation suit; streetlights; divided chambers; arrest database

Transparency News 4/23/18

FOIA case audio; non-board salary; non-disclosing disclosure form

Transparency News 4/20/18

Powhatan FOIA fight; disclosure forms; unsuccessful lobbying

Transparency News 4/19/18

FOIA in the court; bill passage rates; hell yeah; sports deals

Transparency News 4/18/18

megasite grilling; search resumes; no conflicts; not prompt

Transparency News 4/17/18

amicus brief; Pulitzers; hiding the ball; speech equality

Transparency News 4/16/18

defamation case tossed; new officer; disappearing email; trust


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