Transparency News

Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.

Transparency News 10/11/16

NFOIC Summit wrap up; citizen support county as FOIA defendants; Facebook fail

Transparency News 10/10/16

the IG and a FOIA story; storage unit boxes; say no to selfies

Transparency News 10/6/16

ballot selfies; NSA contractor; cell site simulators

Transparency News 10/5/16

Metro board oversight; NG says it's not in breach; LPRs at gun shows

Transparency News 10/4/16

confidential arena deal; insurance commissioners; RCFP FOIA Wiki Beta

Transparency News 10/3/16

meeting procedure backtrack sought; why I didn't go to London; no problem

Transparency News 9/30/16

anonymous company raises price; critical infrastructure; NBIB

Transparency News 9/29/16

FOIAC, NFOIC; database misuse; don't talk to the press; varied responses

Transparency News 9/28/16

discussion leads to removal; Carl Sagan; prior restraint; destruction

Transparency News 9/27/16

closed arena; closed hoods; litigation attorney; chemical release


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