Transparency News

Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.

Transparency News, 11/4/20

college donations; college journalists; vote-counting livestream; engagement

Transparency News, 10/30/20

Save Tribe Sports; Shenandoah land maps; the public & accreditation

Transparency News, 10/29/20

working on votes issue; meeting topic; defamation; urinating pastor

Transparency News, 10/28/20

anonymous review committee; absentee ballot suit; fees in Colo.

Transparency News, 10/26/20

Facebook comments; "Clients can choose to be stupid and idiotic"; indefensible

Transparency News, 10/23/20

fee research; inching away from virtual; no to NY app data; "further study"?

Transparency News, 10/22/20

criminal investigative records study; outbreaks; license plate reader data

Transparency News, 10/21/20

virtual meeting recommendation; go file a FOIA; deposition

Transparency News, 10/19/20

gotta be a .gov?; Lee public hearing; heated disagreement at JMU


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