VCOG Guiding Principles

1. Privacy is best protected by strictly limiting government agencies to collection of data for which they have an absolute need and clearly articulated use; redaction must occur whenever a record contains non-public information, to ensure maximum dissemination of public information.

2. While innovation by enforcement of intellectual property laws should be encouraged, no copyright or other form of intellectual property protection can be used to evade the need for maximum disclosure of public records.

3. Open meetings routinely should occur; closed meetings must not occur unless expressly permitted by law.

4. Access to public information should be provided promptly, usually at no additional cost to the taxpayer. If a new record is created in a form not mandated by law, fees should not exceed actual, incremental costs.

5. Electronic storage cannot be used to circumvent these principles.

6. Electronic storage and online retrieval of records should be mandated at all levels of government, to include timely online reports of key agency and committee deliberations.

7. Public bodies should apply these principles in planning, design and procurement of electronic data-storage and processing systems.

8. Government may restrain citizen use of information only within narrow and clearly recognized exceptions to the Freedom of Information Act and the First Amendment, without resort to policy or contract that enhances proprietary interests in using or disseminating public information.

9. Where gathering or dissemination of information has historically been a private sector function, government should not use its power or resources — much less its legal sanctions — to displace or supplant private information providers.

10. As provided by law, disclosure requirements must be liberally construed at all times and exemptions, optional or mandatory, must be narrowly construed.