The Virginia Coalition for Open Government held its 8th annual conference (in conjunction with its 10th anniversary) November 17, 2006, at the Library of Virginia. This year’s conference featured FOI experts from around the country who discussed the highs and lows of access law, the challenges ahead and what problems are unique to a state or universal to all.
Below is a recap of the conference, provided by stalwart VCOG volunteer Becky Dale. Also below are links to some of the materials made available at the conference.
Statement on open government offered by Gov. Timothy Kaine. (300 kb jpg)
Statements on open government offered by Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, Attorney General Bob McDonnell and Speaker of the House Bill Howell. (70 kb pdf)
Photos from VCOG’s fall board meeting, anniversary gala and annual conference.
Conference notes, reported by Becky Dale
Panelist biographies (169 kb pdf)
VCOG’s survey of various states on FOI law issues. (844 kb pdf)
VCOG board member Harry Hammitt’s paper, published in conjunction with the National Freedom of Information Coalition, on the interaction between federal laws restricting access (FERPA, HIPAA and DPPA) and state laws. This link takes you to NFOIC site’s press release about the paper. The press release provides further links to the paper itself.
Suzanne Piotrowski, public administration professor at Rutgers-Newark and board member of New Jersey’s open government group, presented initial research she’s been conducting on municipal transparency: what it means, how it is achieved, how it is perceived, etc. Click here for her presentation. (2.75 mb pdf)