Access Conferences

Access 2016: Panels, panelists and sponsors

James Madison's Montpelier
December 8, 2016
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (exact schedule to be determined)

Access 2015: Schedule & Panelists

The conference on Nov. 12 was a big success. Check out the program and our sponsors from the links below.

Thank you to our sponsors

Access 2015 --
get the program here

VCOG's Annual Conference photos



J. Albert Bowden talks about his work on civic hacking projects in Hampton Roads

2014 award winners

PRESS RELEASE - for immediate release


Open government group announces 2014 award winners

A Fairfax mom and the state’s library will be honored Nov. 14

Access 2013 Schedule

(exact times and panelists are subject to change)

Return to Registration/Donation page

10:00 - 10:15

Welcome from VCOG’s president Craig Fifer and Williamsburg City Manager Jack Tuttle

10:15 - 11:25

PANEL 1: Lax: Are Virginia’s laws as bad as they say?

Sarah Bryner, Center for Responsive Politics
Vivian Paige, Political observer
Gordon Witkin, Center for Public Integrity

11:30 - 1:10

VCOG Board of Directors meeting, November 30, 2012

Virginia Coalition for Open Government
Board of Directors
November 30, 2012

Craddock-Terry Hotel & Event Center
Lynchburg, VA

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m., by Dorothy Abernathy, President.

Access 2010 GovTech

Experts: Use Technology to Open Government


By Brenda Acevedo

RICHMOND, Va. – Thanks to the Internet, citizens have greater access to government records and other public information, representatives of government agencies said Friday at a panel discussion at the state Capitol.

"The whole idea is that you should be able to go online and not have to ask," said Emily Siebert, a marketing and public relations specialist for the Virginia Information Technology Agency, which oversees the state government's computer operations.

Access 2010 Campus panel

Students' FOIA Rights Violated, Editor Says


By Talisha Williams

RICHMOND, Va. – Colleges and universities sometimes deny student journalists access to information that by law should be open to the public, a campus newspaper editor told the Virginia Coalition for Open Government on Friday.

Katie Thisdell, editor-in-chief of The Breeze at James Madison University, said officials at the Harrisonburg school treat the twice-weekly student newspaper differently from "real news organizations," such as the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

2010 FOI Award Winners

2010 FOI awards recognize Axton citizen, Norfolk reporter, and the Richmond School Board


Virginia Coalition for Open Government to present annual awards at Richmond conference, Oct. 21-22



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