Attorney General

Attorney General's Opinion 1973-74 #450

Board cannot meet in executive session to discuss general budgetary matters. Individual matters that fall within an exemption may be discussed, provided the procedures from entering into a closed meeting are followed.

Attorney General's Opinion 1973-74 #456

City job applicant is entitled to see his application and accompanying background report.

Attorney General's Opinion 1973-74 #451

Boards of zoning appeals are subject to FOIA. any action taken in a closed session is null and void unless voted on in a public meeting.

Attorney General's Opinion 1973-74 #453

Council can hold annual meeting at Elk's National Home provided FOIA notice provisions are followed.

Attorney General's Opinion 1973-74 #454

College boards of visitors subject to some but not all of FOIA's provisions.

Attorney General's Opinion 1973-74 #241

State police not required to provide copies or allow for inspection of accident reports filed with the DMV, though there's nothing to prevent an officer from vonveying the information verbally or from a person getting the report through the DMV.

Attorney General's Opinion 1973-74 #453A

County board not required to admit county treasurer into properly called executive session.

Attorney General's Opinion 1973-74 #412A

Personal property roll books are not subject to the Tax Code's confidentiality provisions. Nor is a list of business licensees.

Attorney General's Opinion 1972-73 #498A

Welfare, adoption and illegitimate birth records are not open under FOIA. Other code sections prohibit their release.

Attorney General's Opinion 1972-73 #491

Acknowleding 1973 change in law that requires announcement of the specific topic to be discussed in closed session.


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