Attorney General

Attorney General's Opinion 1986-87 #028

An offer-to-purchase letter is a record compiled specifically for litigation because it will be used in condemnation proceedings should the offer be refused.

Attorney General's Opinion 1986-87 #031

Annexation is not a 'legal matter' within a school board's jurisdiction, so a closed meeting to discuss annexation is not permissible.

Attorney General's Opinion 1986-87 #030

A group that meets with at least three members of a state board must be open. Meetings with mere employees, who are not appointees or constituent members of the board, do not have to be open.

Attorney General's Opinion 1986-87 #283

Record custodian can take precautions to preserve/safeguard records; also can set limits on the use of the office where records will be inspected. Clerk of courtÄ…s deed receipts book and real property appraisal cards are open to inspection under the Tax Code.

Attorney General's Opinion 1985-86 #333

HUD reports are exempt to the extent that they reveal information about identifiable employees

Attorney General's Opinion 1985-86 #103

General legal matters are not a proper subject for closed meeting. Legal matters must be specific. Board of zoning appeals is subject to FOIAÄ…s meeting requirements.

Attorney General's Opinion 1985-86 #332

A meeting of four of a nine-member public body is a meeting even though the four could not take any action on behalf of the board. Committees and subcommittees are subject to FOIA.

Attorney General's Opinion 1985-86 #331

A public body may admit those persons deemed necessary or whose presence will reasonably aid the public body in its consideration of a topic which is the subject of a properly convened closed meeting.

Attorney General's Opinion 1984-85 #068

Constitutional officers are not entitled to notice any better or any worse than that given to the general public.


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