Megan Rhyne's blog

An unnecessary study

Proposal to change meeting rules is a solution in search of a problem.

Black and White and Red All Over

The Public’s Temporary Camouflage for “Hunting” Gov’t Accountability

Response to Hanover & a thanks

Last week, the Hanover County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a resolution that would recommend amending the Freedom of Information Act's meeting provisions. The law currently prohibits more than two members of a board from meeting to talk about public business unless FOIA's public notice requirements have been followed.

Info-gathering in the open

Columnist Jonah Goldberg wrote last week in USA Today that civil libertarians are hypocrites when it comes to the NSA controversy on the one hand and the Affordable Health Care Act on the other. Specifically he says,

The specter of a disappearing email system

by Jamison Shabanowitz, Laurence E. Richardson Legal Intern for 2013

If an email is sent to a recipient and is deleted before the recipient sees it, does it really exist? 

AT&T’s new patent pending technology answers that question with an affirmative “no.”

Who should judge shock

by Jamison Shabanowitz, Laurence E. Richardson Legal Intern for 2013

Earlier this month, the public learned of the communication between the Virginia Attorney General’s office and the lawyers representing two gas companies, EQT Production and CSX Gas, related to the battle over royalties for methane gas in Appalachian coal seams. Bristol’s Herald Courier has posted the relevant emails on their website.

Officials are citizens, too

Tom Jackman article in today's Washington Post covers the simmering controversy over the flash-in-the-pan logo for Prince William County.

Here's the breakdown:

Follow-up to VCOG's "How Many Clicks?" Survey

What we gained. What we learned. And how government transparency is an ongoing conversation.

Beating the CHP deadline?

What are people doing prior to the July 1 effective date of the new law banning release of concealed handgun permit applications?

Transparency disconnects

Anyone who looks at any Virginia newspaper or website has seen the articles by now recapping the in-person meeting of gubernatorial candidates Ken Cuccinelli (R) and Terry McAuliffe (D) at the annual fundraiser for the Virginia Public Access Project.


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