Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 7/18/14
never too much; internal rule not to reply; Free Law Founders
Transparency News 7/17/14
trip info; back to pray; DC mayor; portrait rap sheets; ambiguous fine
Transparency News 7/16/14
pay increase; legal defense; remarkably similar; Orange GIS; atheist prayer
Transparency News 7/15/14
secret (for now) subpoenas; ketchup packets; government in the stone age
Transparency News 7/14/14
FOIA fine; cost of councils; can't see the tape; police misconduct files
Transparency News 7/11/14
federal lobbyists; explain email loss; statehouse reporting; welcome to NJ
Transparency News 7/10/14
vote for FOIA; clashing interests; another Snowden; don't use email
Transparency News 7/9/14
council updates; child-abuse follow ups; just an ordinary backyard BBQ
Transparency News 7/8/14
still mum on killing; false pretenses; visualizing data; reality show?
Transparency News 7/7/14
elections budget; sweetened pensions; no cirque de soleil; Web's future
Transparency News 7/3/14
Warner talk; personal friend; no pay problem; Voice of America policies
Transparency News 7/2/14
politically motivated?; still seated; after the firing; municipal advisors
Transparency News 7/1/14
FOIA; treasurer's photo; who's engaged in local government; FOIA veto
Transparency News 6/30/14
knowledge confirmed; no log-in; Cell Phone Freedom Act; tour guides
Transparency News 6/27/14
Kilgore email on Puckett; difficult recall; SWAT teams private?
Transparency News 6/26/14
tobacco commission subpoenas; sanctions for talking; cell phone privacy
Transparency News 6/25/14
school board appointments; security breach?; recall dismissed
Transparency News 6/24/14
more gifts?; public depositions; kill memo; no longer welcome
Transparency News 6/23/14
oil tanker notifications; work groups legal, but; streamlining meetings
Transparency News 6/20/14
counsel hiring; why investigate; deliberate deception; commercial requests
Transparency News 6/19/14
feds investigate; no audits; pushing information; recycled hard drive
Transparency News 6/18/14
no comment; IG weighs in; common law privilege; joke tweet defamation
Transparency News 6/17/14
new home for IV records; renewed FOIA for immigration data; lost email at IRS
Transparency News 6/16/14
Deep Throat garage; Kinser retires; AlzPossible; dashcam videos
Transparency News 6/13/14
no gag order; investigation?; 35,000; recording court proceedings