Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 4/4/14
McDonnell privacy; Baliles good-bye; Farmville photos; CIA report
Transparency News 4/3/14
what 5 AGs say; aggregate limits; the leaker & the blogger; paper boxes
Transparency News 4/2/14
intellectually lazy; mailer; FOIA for license plates; Duke: citizens out!
Transparency News 4/1/14
going to hell; no text messaging; black columns; restored rights; Garamond
Transparency News 3/31/14
not a meeting; purple Virginia; school prayer; secret settlements; no idea
Transparency News 3/28/14
Deeds report; PAC disavowal; lethal injection; meet-and-greet in name only
Transparency News 3/27/14
amend ethics bill?; residency; making the grade; secret drugs
Transparency News 3/26/14
Unreleased report; separate trials; cemeteries CD; Mandela FOIA; email
Transparency News 3/25/14
library comfort; unannounced biz; open data cities; confidential Kissinger
Transparency News 3/24/14
the problem with email; data science degree; indirect assaults
Transparency News 3/21/14
transparent finances; 1st amendment at meetings; campaign defamation?
Transparency News 3/20/14
blog/twitter only; clerk retires; community college free speech; libraries
Transparency News 3/19/14
Storify chat; two-year study; crowdsourcing legislative drafting; decisions
Transparency News 3/18/14
Prez's paltry FOIA record; secret payments; police personnel records
Transparency News 3/17/14
Sunshine Week FOIA – fees; study; 2×2; Q&A; Transparency in Govt Act
Transparency News 3/14/14
appointments error; tracking Hampton crime; coal ash email; bulk data
Transparency News 3/13/14
digital archives; jail records management; deadlines; NSA in disguise
Transparency News 3/12/14
change in filing deadline; same rules; lack of technical expertise
Transparency News 3/11/14
reimbursement policies; eudcating the judge; boobies appeal; cameras
Transparency News 3/10/14
retreat postponed; fee range; anonymous jurors; ambassador qualifications
Transparency News 3/7/14
Madison FOIA case; no retreat notification; destroying electronic records
Transparency News 3/6/14
FLOVA under stress; BVU investigation; resignations & retirements; another information hold-out
Transparency News 3/5/14
sanitized report; blurring the Biebs; whistleblower ruling; Democracy 101
Transparency News 3/4/14
watching a suspense movie; readable code; redacted outburst
Transparency News 3/3/14
reform, but not too much; Madison supes squabble; strategically placed poo