Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 5/8/14
arena meetings; travel tools online; police presence; COPSLIE
Transparency News 5/7/14
SCOTUS & McDonnell; pensioner names; journalism drones; scumbag fail
Transparency News 5/6/14
prayer reaction; rejected plates; justices' First Amendment leanings
Transparency News 5/5/14
vote/donation? claims against city; Tenn. h.s. sports & inspections
Transparency News 5/2/14
LPRs; correcting Scalia on Scalia; livetweeting prostitution sting
Transparency News 5/1/14
Ford's estate says no; threatened historic sites; 9/11 victim registry
Transparency News 4/30/14
data act; planning conflict; Bush records directive; spring torture
Transparency News 4/29/14
call center; closed media gallery; judge with stock; your car at night
Transparency News 4/28/14
disclosures; do they financially look like us?; record comment response
Transparency News 4/25/14
survey; school defamation; remembering Pace; deadline consequences
Transparency News 4/24/14
finance report deadlines; new budget reporting policy; Virginia, not Va.
Transparency News 4/23/14
media gallery; millions of dollars difference; #myNPD Twitter fail
Transparency News 4/22/14
mayor's assessment; fines for message; tracking Twitter parody; Ken Bunting
Transparency News 4/21/14
state data site; no love for ethics; Colo.'s child abuse website
Transparency News 4/18/14
UVA prof's email; no (totally) secret declarations; guns at meetings
Transparency News 4/17/14
consumer "doe"; shad planking; youth commission; no info for YOU
Transparency News 4/16/14
motor pool; sitting ducks; fees for electronic records; chicken nuggets
Transparency News 4/15/14
kidnapped from meeting?; client list; witness interviews; Pulitzer for leaks
Transparency News 4/14/14
Capitol Square prayers; record fees in WVa; pictures with Obama
Transparency News 4/11/14
tax credits; Digital Accountability & Transparency Act; easier birth certificates
Transparency News 4/10/14
$830 recordings; Muzzles 2014; suing the feds; email discussion
Transparency News 4/9/14
streamline meetings; Virginia's B+ budget transparency; government credit cards & criminals?
Transparency News 4/8/14
ethics amendments; community college preaching; pornographic ordinance
Transparency News 4/7/14
Regulatory Town Hall; Big Brother in Hampton Roads; digital Wilson
Transparency News 4/4/14
McDonnell privacy; Baliles good-bye; Farmville photos; CIA report