Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 9/14/15
bill too high?; public shout see, but still exempt; plane truth; reports
Transparency News 9/11/15
mum on peanuts; recusal in FOIA case; estray book; jailhouse video
Transparency News 9/10/15
AG on public comment; calls for hearing/release; gov on private email
Transparency News 9/9/15
another blockaded report; audits & policies; APIs; Clinton apology
Transparency News 9/8/15
no manifestos; I'm just not doing it; mayors engage; Duggar call
Transparency News 9/4/15
no appeal; public perception; Open Justice; financial reporting uniformity
Transparency News 9/3/15
appointment; independent auditor; leaking on the leaker; criticize privately
Transparency News 9/2/15
data breach; city raid, but why?; flouting the rules; thumb in the eye
Transparency News 9/1/15
spending curbs; info clearinghouse; gag order; Roanoke's social media hub
Transparency News 8/31/15
OES reply; police & social media; stingrays; free speech on campus
Transparency News 8/28/15
police naming names; free speech at meeting?; fake news story suit
Transparency News 8/27/15
policy over law; delete footage; train info; prez can w/hold WMD info
Transparency News 8/26/15
FOIA suit survives; dating hack; court on fees; Kennedy's private email
Transparency News 8/25/15
SCC procurement; portal good, but FOIA bad; Twitter v. political tweets
Transparency News 8/24/15
Dominion donations; comment policy revised; salaries; defamation
Transparency News 8/13/15
clerks oppose release; ABC misunderstands; Hopewell mayor meeting
Transparency News 8/12/15
release the report; parent FOIA suit tossed; the private server
Transparency News 8/11/15
ABC won't release report;; DC body cam agreement
Transparency News 8/10/15
lawsuit for court database; council backs up closed-session complaint; Neighbor Law; Robert Freeman
Transparency News 8/7/15
aide invoice; don't put it in writing; candidate defamation; leak prosecution
Transparency News 8/6/15
UMW prez search; no extension; secret contract
Transparency News 8/5/15
storefront signs free speech; check for FOIA refused; Idaho ag-gag
Transparency News 8/4/15
Let's Talk; calls for board resignation; defamation; inflame, not quell
Transparency News 8/3/15
public comment redux; architecture archive; emails & tax returns
Transparency News 7/31/15
public comment: atrocious policy & lawsuit; secret testimony/hearing