Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 1/27/15
LIS feedback; FOIA subcommittee; no Waze; Just IN state news
Transparency News 1/26/15
targeted?; trip costs; mug shot brief; net neutrality language
Transparency News 1/23/15
Dominion oversight; school board training; $.25/page for electronic records?
Transparency News 1/22/15
political and media considerations; meeting & comment adjustments; extortion
Transparency News 1/21/15
civics; mum on disease; hemp & FOIA; UFO files; password fails
Transparency News 1/20/15
gifts down; schools & body cams; snow apps; health care site privacy
Transparency News 1/19/15
local disclosures; move the meetings; IOW hacking; FOIA op-ed dispute
Transparency News 1/16/15
UVA emails & FOIA; Dep't of Ed must release scores; searchable database
Transparency News 1/15/15
Pilot stifled?; donations & salaries; codes & open data; reverse FOIA suit
Transparency News 1/14/15
taking on Dominion; TV announces; emphatically yes; JCC email kerfuffle?
Transparency News 1/13/15
more bills; new FOIA sub chair; no testimony; public input on hiring
Transparency News 1/12/15
Transparency Virginia; FOIA bills; local lawmakers & Twitter; x-ray machines
Transparency News 1/9/15
bills of note; no cameras; department subpoena; fees for seal
Transparency News 1/8/15
ostergren; about that defamation; hack hoax?; Delauter apology; cameras
Transparency News 1/7/15
can’t agree; don’t use my name; utility data; autopsy security holds
Transparency News 1/6/15
word on Geer; starting with penalties; juror fights gag; catastrophic claims
Transparency News 1/5/15
MWAA shapes up; engagement tools; paupers' graves; independent watchdog
Transparency News 1/2/15
deeply engage; pages; most dangerous on the Internet; civics; stingrays
Transparency News 12/31/14
county caucus; certified gift-free; plate search charge; not anti-zombie
Transparency News 12/30/14
in essence, personal disagreements; Ft. Monroe meeting; reporter's digits
Transparency News 12/29/14
fractured boards & facilitators; FOIA terrorist; access year in review
Transparency News 12/23/14
order to disclose; redistricting wish list; FOIA cases up; bodycam hackathon
Transparency News 12/22/14
school records & FERPA; the missing mug shot; doesn't seem like a lot
Transparency News 12/19/14
breaches; marquee debates; gag order & the coal CEO; Mich. FOIA win
Transparency News 12/18/14
secret dockets; restraining orders; reports to be public; no criticism