The Republican Party Chair is asking for a list of permit holders.1
A clerk of court is refusing, in part because a bill passed (but not yet enacted) would bar release of individual records.2

1. VCOG argued against the bill that will close off the permit applications. We said it would create a system of government administration and regulation that had no outside oversight. We also noted that advocates, politicians and education groups would find the information useful for contacting those with a common interest.
2. When the bill passed, the General Assembly could have inserted an emergency clause so it would go into effect immediately. They did not. Therefore, the law goes into effect July 1. Up until June 30, the law says applications must be released (maybe not a list, but the individual applications).
One response to “Beating the CHP deadline?”
You can’t decline FOIA requests based on your personal view…
…especially when the law he's referring to hasn't taken effect, yet.
Where's that in the statutes?