

Survey Says!

In April and May, VCOG surveyed its members and supporters about their views of FOIA — what problems they encounter, what works, what doesn’t work. 


We received 66 responses, which included 13 government employees and/or public officials. Some of the 66 were incomplete — they answered only the question about how they would identify themselves and none others. Those responses are not included in any of the survey numbers that follow.


VCOG offers the results of this survey in the spirit of illuminating the FOIA council, stakeholders and the public about how individuals who use FOIA day in and day out — but who may not be able to attend council meetings — use and interact with the law.


Except for one set of responses that repeated the same thing over and over, I have not edited the free-form comments. (That particular comment is instead mentioned just once.) Some comments may not be completely on point, but they all serve as a good reminder to me that what I think and what the public thinks about problem areas in FOIA might not always align.


View the Survey Results here.