FOI Blog

Another pro-FOIA ruling

A Virginia Supreme Court ruling on what constitutes "public business" continues a string of pro-access cases in the past few years.

Sometimes mistakes really are mistakes

In a brief podcast posted on Substack, Megan tells a story on herself and reminds us that mistakes should be met with grace when possible.

Requests that go right, and the outliers that don't

A deep dive into requests made through MuckRock




Retreating...from the public?

Retreats may be more informal for members of the public body, but they still require notice and minutes like other public meetings.

We make FOIA harder than it should be

Between bad actors and dismissive attitudes, our FOIA law is being crushed

Was it necessary?

The Virginia Supreme Court weighs in on pandemic-era electronic meeting and potentially upends the apple cart



The General Assembly adjourned with many opportunities left on the table

The 2023 General Assembly adjourned Feb. 26 without a complete budget and without taking full advantage of legislation offered to make citizen access to records and meetings easier or better. There’s nothing super egregious, but there’s also not as much to get excited about, either.

After crossover, we need more votes for sunshine

It’s Crossover Day at the General Assembly. Surviving House bills make their last bid to cross over to the Senate, where they’ll meet Senate bills headed in the opposite direction.

Quite a winnowing has taken place until now. Of the nearly 70 bills that VCOG started tracking at the opening of the session, barely half that many remain.

Trust in me

Recently, a coach on my kid’s sports team was let go. It came as a shock to my kid (and to me), and my kid was very disappointed. This coach had been a real inspiration to my wee one and was consistently enthusiastic, upbeat and encouraging.

Because I am like I am, I sent a message to the powers that be (TPTB) expressing disappointment and asking for some kind of explanation that could be shared with parents and athletes.

October surprise: Two pro-public rulings from Virginia's top court

Over the past several years — heck, most of the 2000s — I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to celebrate a pro-public win on FOIA issues in the Virginia Supreme Court. Much less two. In one day. Unanimously. So, pardon me if I bask in the glow of yesterday’s rulings in Hawkins v. Town of South Hill and Daily Press v. Commonwealth.
