FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-03-06
It is beyond the scope of the FOI Advisory Council’s authority to interpret the rules of either house of the General Assembly. There is no joint conference of the General Assembly after adjournment sine die.
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-11-05
Question on whether meeting of liaison committee of school board and board of supervisors was subject to FOIA depends on status of members as a subcommittee or quorum of their respective public bodies.
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-46-01
Though meetings with staff and government employees are not usually subject to FOIA, they are if they include a quorum of a public body’s members. Informal gatherings – pre-meeting, post-meeting or some other time – are still meetings that must comply with FOIA if their purpose is to discuss public business.
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-40-01
A gathering of four of five members of a governing body prior to a regularly scheduled meeting is prohibited if the members are discussing public business, but is not prohibited if public business is not being discussed.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1999 #014
Two members of seven-member board may meet informally by phone, provided the two do not constitute a standing committee nor authorized to act on the board’s behalf.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1985-86 #332
A meeting of four of a nine-member public body is a meeting even though the four could not take any action on behalf of the board. Committees and subcommittees are subject to FOIA.