To Whom Applicable: Public Bodies
Attorney General’s Opinion 1982-83 #719
Mere presence of three members of a county board of supervisors on a private board of trustees does not convert a the board of trustees into a public body that needs to follow FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1982-83 #726
A volunteer fire department is subject to FOIA if it is funded wholly or principally by public funds. Records regarding the suspension of a fire chief are confidential as part of the chief’s personnel file.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1982-83 #712
Virginia Equaly Employment Opportunity Committee may not meet as a body with employees regarding a specific complaint in executive session.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1981-82 #429
Nonstock homeowners’ association not subject to FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1981-82 #060
Circuit court is a public agency under FOIA. Absent a court order, circuit court clerk cannot deny access to divorce files.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1979-80 #388
Except for certain meetings, FOIA does not apply to the Commission on Local Government. However, Commission records in local governments’ possession are public records subject to FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1978-79 #316A
Citizens committee created by mayor that receives no public funds and reports only to the mayor, not to the city council, is not subject to FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1978-79 #311
records of the position, job classification, salary or rate of pay and expense reimbursements paid to officials and employees of the University of Virginia are subject to required disclosure.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1977-78 #482
Honor committee, funded and maintained by a state university board of visitors is public body subject to FOIA. Honor council trials are not open meetings becayse they involve student discipline.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1977-78 #005
Statewide Health Coordinating Council is public body.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1976-77 #309
FOIA applies to the General Assembly and its clerks. The telephone recrods of General Assembly members are not exempt as working papers.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1975-76 #406
University of Virginia advisory committee made up of faculty and administrative personnel not subject to FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1975-76 #408
outdated statutory rules applied to boards of visitors meetings.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1974-75 #584
Because it was specifically created by the State Council on Higher Education and is, therefore, supported wholly or in part by public funds, the General Professional Advisory Committee is subject to FOIA. However, the Council of College and/or University Presidents is a voluntarily created alliance not supported by public funds, and so is not subject…
Attorney General’s Opinion 1974-75 #212
Industrial development authorities are subject to FOIA. Act doesn’t require public notice of meetings, just notice to those who have requested it.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1973-74 #451
Boards of zoning appeals are subject to FOIA. any action taken in a closed session is null and void unless voted on in a public meeting.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1973-74 #454
College boards of visitors subject to some but not all of FOIA’s provisions.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1972-73 #497
The Virginia Port Authority may use mail-in ballots to carry on administrative work, public business must be conducted in accordance with FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1972-73 #163
The press and the public have access rights to an electoral board’s records.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1972-73 #487
Judicial Conference of Courts of Record subject to FOIA. Meetings of the Judicial Conference of Courts of Record court system study commission are open.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1968-69 #088
Local electoral boards are subject to FOIA.