Working Papers/Memoranda/Correspondence Exemption

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-12-00

once city council members acted on a report that was arguably part of the city manager's working papers, any exempt status is lost and the document becomes part of the public record.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-01-00

Inquiries as to the status of e-mail under the Freedom of Information Act, charges for electronic records, the working papers exemption, assessment of fees for producing a requested record, the meaning of 'reasonable specificity'

Richmond Newspapers v. Casteen

Materials that would nonetheless be official records standing alone may become exempt correspondence if they are transmitted to a qualified office as a letter.

Redinger v. Casteen

Letters exchanged between an institution of higher learning and a law firm representing a university student are not exempt as work product compiled for use specifically for litigation.

Taylor v. Worrell Enterprises

The governor's itemized telephone bills are official records exempt from disclosure as memoranda, working papers or correspondence.

Attorney General's Opinion 1983-84 #447

General fund revenue estimates prepared by the governor's advisory boards are considered working papers of the governor; Governor's budget advisory boards must follow FOIA's meeting requirements.

Attorney General's Opinion 1982-83 #724

A draft management letter is an official record.Working papers exemption lost when chief executive officer distributes a document to others.

Attorney General's Opinion 1982-83 #707

The phrase submitted in confidence in the working papers exemption refers to reports submitted by those outside the agency, not to internal reports.

Attorney General's Opinion 1981-82 #438

Newsletters prepared by county administrator summarizing issues to be discussed at the next board of supervisors meeting are official records open to the public, even if some of the topics are the proper subject of a closed meeting.

Attorney General's Opinion 1980-81 #395

Official records routinely generated in response to various statutes do not become the working papers of the chief executive officer merely because they are passed on to that office in the ordinary course of business.


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