Attorney General

Attorney General's Opinion 1980-81 #387

Public body may use real estate exemption to discuss relocation of an arts center onto now-privately owned land. Public body cannot meet in closed session to discuss garbage collection, drainage problems, or the use of a private company for city-owned auto repairs. Legal matters exemption applies to discussion of prosecuting owners of adult entertainment establishments.

Attorney General's Opinion 1980-81 #389

Legal matters exemption does not pertain to issues that have a general legal character, like zoning.

Attorney General's Opinion 1980-81 #386A

Virginia Beach City Council may meet behind closed doors to discuss selection of the city's mayor, but election to a new mayor must wait until an open meeting.

Attorney General's Opinion 1980-81 #386

Public body may not use the real estate exemption to hold an executive meeting to discuss potential health hazards or government asbestos ratings of publicly owned buildings.

Attorney General's Opinion 1980-81 #390

School board may hold closed meeting to discuss prospective school board appointees, but must wait until an open meeting to appoint or elect them.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #056

board of supervisors may not close its public meetings to direct broadcast by radio, or to recording for later broadcast, although the board of supervisors may impose reasonable rules and restrictions upon the broadast and recording activities such as are imposed equally on the public.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #389

Records of the identity of students participating in special education programs are exempt from disclosure under the scholastic records exemption. Nothing prevents intra-school board access to those records, though.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #385

Because nothing in FOIA demands confidentiality of any record or meeting, school board members-elect may attend executive sessions and review personnel records prior to taking office.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #379

Public body may not discuss any subject in executive session other than those authorized in FOIA's exemptions.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #388

Except for certain meetings, FOIA does not apply to the Commission on Local Government. However, Commission records in local governments' possession are public records subject to FOIA.


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