Attorney General

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #378

School board may not use personnel exemption to discuss general personnel priorities in exeuctive session. Materials held exclusively by school superintendent are exempt working papers even if the superintendent has given a presentation to school board personnel using those materials.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #377A

Fees not in excess of the actual cost of providing copies are allowable.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #236

Medicare and Medicaid cost reports are open records. Court rulings interpreting the federal FOIA do not apply to Virginia's FOIA.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #384

Jail inmates are entitled to look at their own medical records that are otherwise exempt under FOIA.

Attorney General's Opinion 1978-79 #314

Board cannot meet in executive session to discuss expansion of private college.

Attorney General's Opinion 1978-79 #313

Minutes or transcripts of a properly held executive meeting are exempt from mandatory disclsoure.

Attorney General's Opinion 1978-79 #315A

Town council may meet to discuss location of a bridge, where the bridge would not be located upon town property and where the town would not be involved in the acquisition of easements for the bridge right-of-way.

Attorney General's Opinion 1978-79 #316A

Citizens committee created by mayor that receives no public funds and reports only to the mayor, not to the city council, is not subject to FOIA.

Attorney General's Opinion 1978-79 #317A

a report to a public body becomes an official record when it comes in to the body's possession.


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