Attorney General

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #380

Executive session called without a prior resolution adopted in public meeting violates FOIA. No election of planning commission officers in executive session. Actions taken by illegally elected public body officers are valid up until the point when they learn of the election defect.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #382

The general statement of policy found at the beginning of FOIA is a reflection of the legislative intent of the Act.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #381

Public body cannot adopt a resolution in executive session, and a public vote on the resolution does not cure the error.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #377

Judge's notes on cases over which he/she currently presides exempt under the litigation exemption.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #298

School board's attendance at a labor organization's presentation may be subject to FOIA if the purpose of the board's attendance is to discuss/transact public business.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #270

Medical records exemption is discretionary, though the subject of the record may compel release to him-/herself or a designated doctor or attorney.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #302

Confirms procedures for going into closed meeting. Board member appointed in an illegal meeting is a de facto officer, and the board's actions are valid, until notice of the illegal appointment is made.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #387

A computer tape of a real estate assessments in an official record. County need not provide computer tape for citizen copying if tape is stored off-premises and a hard copy is available for public inspection in the county offices.

Attorney General's Opinion 1979-80 #386

Public body may require advance payment, as long as access is not unlawfully limited.


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