Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 6/22/17
senators & FOIA; another VITA suit; rulings on body cams & email access
Transparency News 6/21/17
DEQ on delay; voter fraud plea; financial audit; VA official FOIA
Transparency News 6/20/17
litigation; list; Facebook ban; give all you want, we won’t tell
Transparency News 6/19/17
in the dark?; fib?; Comey memos; Cosby jurors; Portsmouth
Transparency News 6/16/17
felon names; blanket exemption; leaks across time
Transparency News 6/15/17
1-minute meeting; secret fight; search warrants; "That's stupid"
Transparency News 6/14/17
elevator video; spending in the dark; email was meeting in Ark.
Transparency News 6/13/17
nuisance requests; no referendum; no tapes; consequence of leaking
Transparency News 6/12/17
the email shows; trying to limit closed sessions; FOIA predictor
Transparency News 6/9/17
now a member limit?; how we got here; voter fraud; opaque compact
Transparency News 6/8/17
financial information disclosure; walk-back on recordings; 10,000 successes
Transparency News 6/7/17
lavish spending; whither IG; Twitter blocking; after midnight
Transparency News 6/6/17
late night meting; ConnectProtect; bedbugs; Espionage Act
Transparency News 6/5/17
all (almost) airport audit
Transparency News 6/2/17
drive-thru adjustment; bills signed, commented on
Transparency News 6/1/17
Smyth-Bland library suit; airport comm’n travel; ethics waivers; Couric
Transparency News 5/31/17
VITA sued; developer emails; pink slime
Transparency News 5/30/17
records from private company; medicaid data; record number of FOIA suits
Transparency News 5/26/17
hotline calls; internal audits; universities as law enforcement?
Transparency News 5/25/17
2 sides to a requests; chair’s special right?; transcript; workarounds
Transparency News 5/24/17
dark money; audits; personnel radio silence
Transparency News 5/23/17
mystery biz name; recorded interactions; the Jonnie Williams problem
Transparency News 5/22/17
who uses FOIA; public comment; Artentine lemons; h.s. associations
Transparency News 5/19/17
but I haven’t seen the video; charges dropped; improvement hotline
Transparency News 5/18/17
seminar thanks; mystery company; slave narrative; vendetta or reform?