Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 1/5/16
exempt from working papers exemption; coaches contracts; consider raises
Transparency News 1/4/16
site plan bills; timetable; Tenn. backlog; email dump, but not all
Transparency News 12/31/15
keeper of the rolls; Mountaineer tracking; Volunteer animal abuse registry
Transparency News 12/30/15
bills; electing the mayor; go lenient; UNC TA email; shall to may
Transparency News 12/29/15
plea deal; 50 FOIA stories; voter info online; digital dark ages
Transparency News 12/28/15
FOIA year in review; thesis to lawsuit; arrested athletes; 2 weeks too long
Transparency News 12/24/15
FOIA win in Hopewell case; dismissal sought; spot the panda
Transparency News 12/23/15
ethics council bills/report; go to the tape; government breakdown
Transparency News 12/22/15
title loans; delayed vote ploy?; Petersburg RouteShout; censorship code
Transparency News 12/21/15
apology; train derailment; the WuTang disc?; traffic stop database
Transparency News 12/18/15
budget & calendar bills; settlements; SEALs; not avoiding?; VRS deal
Transparency News 12/17/15
\don't enter it; morale; preserving deeds; Pentagon chief email
Transparency News 12/16/15
comment rules amended; FOIA staffing; meeting brawl; transparency wish
Transparency News 12/15/15
to post or not; late-nite vote; auditless; drone database; propaganda
Transparency News 12/12/15
money river; withdrawn without comment; big fines in KY; census
Transparency News 12/11/15
cameras, local & nationwide; FBI records ruling; Sandy generators
Transparency News 12/10/15
correction; civics lesson; no fast track; closed open meetings training
Transparency News 12/9/15
oath; monument talk; spousal confrontation; CIA art; court-ordered release
Transparency News 12/8/15
misdemeanor; unsolicited bids; VA travel reimbursement; Maryland ombud
Transparency News 12/7/15
1 on 1; lethal injection drugs; data breach request; $18/email
Transparency News 12/4/15
trial postponed; hybrid interviews; higher ed board scrutiny; online requests
Transparency News 12/3/15
late again; soft on crime (FOIA's the law); GA's responsibility; Chicago failure
Transparency News 12/2/15
auditor perspectives; bake sale; warrant for email; Kansas investigations
Transparency News 12/1/15
comment suit settled; student liaison; school board pay; budget meetings
Transparency News 11/30/15
mini-FOIA audit good and bad; responses online; alt weeklies & good govt