Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 11/10/14
annual awards; Wythe County attorney email; EDA won't release what?; FOIA vote coming
Transparency News 11/7/14
public on redistricting; SBE website concerns; impersonating reporting
Transparency News 11/6/14
FOIA Council tweets; mystery write-in; fish records; IRS IT debacle
Transparency News 11/5/14
finally online in Henrico; fast & furious records; not destroyed
Transparency News 11/4/14
no notice on no notice; James Madison digs; City Council play
Transparency News 11/3/14
arrest warrant for FOIA violation; no to Freeh; what the people want
Transparency News 10/31/14
seeking dismissal; subpoenas; unsealed records; email retention; BOO!
Transparency News 10/30/14
pay increases; meeting times; subpoenas for preachers & reporters
Transparency News 10/29/14
what they said at court; leaked advice; evaluating in public; 5-hour lobbying
Transparency News 10/28/14
did you know?; reform comm'n recap; Yelp; FOI summit tweets; return of prayer
Transparency News 10/27/14
ethics panel today; FOIA for phone data; spouse's deliberative process?
Transparency News 10/24/14
suit over dismissal; changed votes & streaming in Hanover; it's odd
Transparency News 10/23/14
putting the private in PPEA; reprimand for letters; no call
Transparency News 10/22/14
reax to collection; transpo conflicts; police still accountable to public
Transparency News 10/21/14
saving an airline; review of whom?; appointed, not elected
Transparency News 10/20/14
collecting phone records; clarification on breach; public comment private
Transparency News 10/17/14
local campaign finance; censured; VML agenda; Glomar at state level
Transparency News 10/16/14
dismissed juror; no board members in school; appealing to the board
Transparency News 10/15/14
abrupt departure; angry calls; new road rules; culture of ethics
Transparency News 10/14/14
no free speech at the plaza; brainstorming; reform FERPA
Transparency News 10/13/14
closed court records; Warner call; Bible talk; Clinton records
Transparency News 10/10/14
what's kosher; fire division; classified but authorized to disclose?
Transparency News 10/9/14
tracking hours; ICE app; right to wi-fi; open oil divorce
Transparency News 10/8/14
meeting missteps; not an ethics issue; student records; guv's Gmail
Transparency News 10/7/14
rethinking FOIA fees; execution restrictions; randomly divided