Minium v. Hines (CAV)
The Court of Appeals of Virginia ruled against the Hanover sheriff, who said he could redact the names of 220 police officers from a spreadsheet of salary information because those officers might one day be used in undercover operations. “Hypothetical future undercover operations, by their very nature as ‘hypothetical,’ are not yet a reality and…
Minium v. Chesterfield County (circuit court)
A Chesterfield County Circuit Court ruled that the Chesterfield Police Department can redact names of many of its officers from a spreadsheet of salary information because those officers can be used for undercover operations at any time.
Minium v. Hines (Hanover Circuit Court)
Hanover Circuit Court says the names of most officers in the Hanover Sheriff’s office can be kept off of a spreadsheet of department salaries because some of those officers might one day work undercover.
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-06-15
A local governing body may not convene a closed meeting in order to discuss the salaries of the members pursuant to the personnel closed meeting exemption.
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-04-15
A public body does not have to create a new record that does not already exist, but may abstract or summarize information under such terms and conditions as agreed between the requester and the public body. Clear and concise communications are critical when making and responding to requests.
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-01-09
The Office of the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court of Virginia is an agency of the Commonwealth supported wholly or principally by public funds; opinion also address response time, and failure to respond properly.
Wigand v. Wilkes
Public television and radio station not a public body because less than two-thirds of funding comes from public money, and they do not perform a delegated governmental function.
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-11-03
An exception to the general rule that a public body does not have to create a record that does not exist is when the requested information is for employee salaries. General recommendation that public body and requester work together to clarify requests. General advice to compare information contained in records oneself instead of relying on…
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-01-02
FOIA requires the release of records of position, job classification, official salary or rate of pay, and records of allowances or reimbursements for expenses paid. Records pertaining to the retirement of school employees may be withheld as personnel records.
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-28-01
Actions taken pertaining to a specific school employee may be withheld, but also may be disclosed; the name, salary and job assignment of school employees must be disclosed.
FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-17-00
An individual is entitled to his personnel record; general job classification and salary information of public officials is specifically available under FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1999 #075
Under law as it existed prior to July 1, 1999, advance notice of a telephone meeting didn’t need to list all locations from where telephone participation was to take place. Post-July 1, 1999, law says all locations must be identified.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1987-88 #033
Names and salaries of government employees making over $10,000/year are public and may be published by third parties.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1982-83 #731
When government employee is being paid two salaries for two different government functions, only the one that meets the statutory minimum for disclosure under FOIA need be disclosed.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1982-83 #708
Employment contract detailing salary is an official record. Salary of incoming dean at William and Mary subject to disclosure, regardless of the existence of an employment contract.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1980-81 #394
Public salaries over $10,000 subject to mandatory disclosure; salaries under $10,000 may be disclosed voluntarily.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1978-79 #310
County must disclose salary of county employees earning more than $10,000.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1978-79 #311
records of the position, job classification, salary or rate of pay and expense reimbursements paid to officials and employees of the University of Virginia are subject to required disclosure.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1977-78 #489
Salaries of identifiable employees may be disclosed. Financial interest statements filed with clerk of court are open.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1976-77 #317
Salaries of identifiable employees need not be disclosed. Working papers of school division superintendent are exempt, but not similar papers held by the school board.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1969-70 #317A
Salary information on school board personnel is open, but there’s no requirement that the information be complied.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1969-70 #317
Records on salaries paid to public employees open.