To Whom Applicable: Public Bodies

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-23-01

Student government of state college is subject to FOIA when supported wholly or principally by public funds.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-19-01

With the exception of certain statistical information and financial records, the Virginia Parole Board's records are not subject to FOIA.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-09-01

As an agency of the county, a neighborhood connections office is subject to FOIA.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-16-00

A volunteer rescue squad supported primarily through private donations is not a public body subject to FOIA.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-10-00

Virginia School Boards Association is not subject to FOIA; members of individual school boards attending a VASB conference should refrain from discussing public business without notifying the public.

Connell v. Kersey

Commonwealth Attorney not a public body under FOIA. Criminal incident information need only be summarized; the actual records need not be disclosed.

Attorney General's Opinion 1995 #004

FOIA not applicable to private businesses and corporations if their funding is not wholly or principally drawn from public funds

Attorney General's Opinion 1992 #004

A legislative change making certain records public under FOIA may be applied retroactively.

Attorney General's Opinion 1987-88 #236

Planning districts are public bodies. Advisory committees and subcommittees of a planning district are subject to FOIA.

Students for Animals v. Animal Research Committee, U.Va.


Students for Animals v. The Rector and Board of Visitors of The University of Virginia, and Animal Care Committee, etc.

Case No. N-6464-3

May 26, 1988

By Judge T. J. Markow

This is a petition under the Freedom of Information Act requesting that the court order that meetings of the Animal Research Committee of the University of Virginia be treated as public meetings under the Act.


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