To Whom Applicable: Public Bodies

Attorney General's Opinion 1985-86 #103

General legal matters are not a proper subject for closed meeting. Legal matters must be specific. Board of zoning appeals is subject to FOIAÄ…s meeting requirements.

Attorney General's Opinion 1984-85 #418

An advisory committee, appointed by a circuit court in lieu of a governing body, that is supported by public funds, is subject to FOIA.

Attorney General's Opinion 1983-84 #439

Virginia Division of Tourism cannot withhold business data submitted by Virginia travel attractions. A private company that is supported wholly or principally by public funds is subject to FOIA.

Attorney General's Opinion 1983-84 #447

General fund revenue estimates prepared by the governor's advisory boards are considered working papers of the governor; Governor's budget advisory boards must follow FOIA's meeting requirements.

Attorney General's Opinion 1982-83 #719

Mere presence of three members of a county board of supervisors on a private board of trustees does not convert a the board of trustees into a public body that needs to follow FOIA.

Attorney General's Opinion 1982-83 #726

A volunteer fire department is subject to FOIA if it is funded wholly or principally by public funds. Records regarding the suspension of a fire chief are confidential as part of the chief's personnel file.

Attorney General's Opinion 1982-83 #712

Virginia Equaly Employment Opportunity Committee may not meet as a body with employees regarding a specific complaint in executive session.


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