Response To Request

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-21-01

Regarding duty to explain how the actual cost of searching for records was calculated; consecutive requests must be treated separately; public body may require a deposit if cost of providing records would exceed $200.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-11-00

public body not required to merge two separate databases to create a record containing the information sought by a requester; requester can ask for both databases and manipulate the raw data himself.

Lawrence v. Jenkins

Not an FOIA violation when a public official chooses to exercise an exemption, redacted exempt information, but failed to timely cite the applicable Code section for the exemption.

Attorney General's Opinion 1989 #013

Public body not required to compile a record, but must notify the requester within the required time.

Attorney General's Opinion 1981-82 #440

Though using the entire period to release a readily available record is not a technical violation of FOIA, it probably violates the spirit of the law where release would not have any way hampered the orderly administration of government.


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