Advisory Council

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-21-01

Regarding duty to explain how the actual cost of searching for records was calculated; consecutive requests must be treated separately; public body may require a deposit if cost of providing records would exceed $200.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-16-01

List of concealed handgun permit holders is a public record.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-20-01

Two-person subcommittee is a public body subject to FOIA.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-18-01

At least three working days' notice is necessary to announce the change in location of a previously scheduled meeting; updates required everywhere notice is posted, including the Internet.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-19-01

With the exception of certain statistical information and financial records, the Virginia Parole Board's records are not subject to FOIA.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-17-01

With respect to the Governor's Development Opportunity Fund, records used for the governor's personal or deliberative use are exempt, but records related to how grants are awarded or loans made are subject to disclosure under FOIA.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-14-01

When making a motion to go into closed session, the level of specificity required to identify the subject matter when addressing litigation greatly depends upon how its disclosure would affect the negotiating or litigating posture of the public body, and thus a general description may suffice.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-15-01

The professional qualifications of a public official are considered part of that official's personnel record and thus may be withheld.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-13-01

Regarding directory information held by a school system and duties under FOIA when a requested record does not exist.

FOI Advisory Council Opinion AO-12-01

A public body may charge $.25 per page for copies as long as that charge does not exceed the actual cost of providing the record.


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