Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 1/24/17
busy day; database down; juror info bill dies; bio change
Transparency News 1/23/17
Senate hearing; TVa release; tax returns; public records v. copyright
Transparency News 1/20/17
body cam, juror info legislation; Agent Orange suit; striking the minutes
Transparency News 1/19/2017
subcommittee updates; removal effort dismissed; Abu Ghraib photos
Transparency News 1/18/17
university accountability; station stays on; ethics almost
Transparency News 1/17/17
searching the database; ethics law; convicted constitutional officers
Transparency News 1/16/17
ecall bill; sealed settlement; dysfunctional, or not getting your way
Transparency News 1/13/17
fracking FOIA bill advances; FOIA fiasco; complex just got more complex
Transparency News 1/12/2017
fracking FOIA bill up; open mic; no names of appointees; Medicaid data
Transparency News 1/11/2017
VPA’s public notice database; undisclosed deaths; press gallery
Transparency News 1/10/2017
Metro oversight; overhauling IT; Sessions; hearing the AZ legislature
Transparency News 1/9/2017
bill updates; streaming committees; higher ed; iPhone hack docs
Transparency News 1/6/2017
severance; the special meeting that wasn’t then was; CDC data
Transparency News 1/5/2017
ownership of drafts; when govt FOIAs govt; no floor protest videos
Transparency News 1/4/2017
legislators’ right to info; disclosure fine rescinded; ethics backtrack
Transparency News 1/3/2017
building plans; university heads; mayoral selection; request database
Transparency News 12/30/16
juror bill; state response; limits on LPR data
Transparency News 12/29/16
FOIA Council bills; no live streaming yet; investigative files in Ohio
Transparency News 12/28/16
removal; your money’s safe; LPRs at SCOVA; FOIA simplified?
Transparency News 12/23/16
recused; Sandusky-comparison defamation; 6 years; patting your back
Transparency News 12/22/16
mayor’s authority; mayor’s private email; withholding the budget
Transparency News 12/21/16
serious public access issues; no assault at meeting; Agent Orange
Transparency News 12/20/16
transcript sought; elder fraud; do your work so we don’t negotiate
Transparency News 12/19/16
appealing public not press; the cost of claims; Metro meet ups
Transparency News 12/16/16
closed hearing; social media policy; historians pursue records