Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 10/4/16
confidential arena deal; insurance commissioners; RCFP FOIA Wiki Beta
Transparency News 10/3/16
meeting procedure backtrack sought; why I didn’t go to London; no problem
Transparency News 9/30/16
anonymous company raises price; critical infrastructure; NBIB
Transparency News 9/29/16
FOIAC, NFOIC; database misuse; don’t talk to the press; varied responses
Transparency News 9/28/16
discussion leads to removal; Carl Sagan; prior restraint; destruction
Transparency News 9/27/16
closed arena; closed hoods; litigation attorney; chemical release
Transparency News 9/26/16
more deeply involved; tapes & names; debate Q; blackberries & coffee
Transparency News 9/23/16
no interviews; personal use of town funds; unauditable
Transparency News 9/22/16
on our 20th; SCOVA accepts case; covering the guv and the legis
Transparency News 9/21/16
public shaming; speaker rules; no longer anonymous accuser; travel
Transparency News 9/20/16
internal affairs updates; foot-dragging; Krakauer’s FERPA fight
Transparency News 9/19/16
future fracking FOIA; bribery; San Bernardino hack; our 3rd decade
Transparency News 9/16/16
legis privilege ruling; minutes mandamus; librarian of congress
Transparency News 9/15/16
public comment summaries; secret purchase price; Facebook policy on trial
Transparency News 9/14/16
looking for heroes; recycling SOLs; where the real work gets done
Transparency News 9/13/16
demanding open government; VITA grumbles; opening up the jail
Transparency News 9/12/16
MRSA; maybe a lockout; Hopewell report; agents of the city
Transparency News 9/9/16
join us for dinner; museum donors; immune deleter; Crackas crack CIA
Transparency News 9/8/16
no on texting change; mum on MRSA; Powell & Clinton; Bridgegate names
Transparency News 9/7/16
webinar; workgroup meeting; reporter conversation; less, but faster
Transparency News 9/6/16
closed session archive; Buffington Rule; no deposition; group defamation
Transparency News 9/2/16
hearings, yesterday and today; YouTube block; budget transparency; hero
Transparency News 9/1/16
oral args today; real estate price; release to one, release to all
Transparency News 8/31/16
overtime; professor then candidate; Till bill; VDH & hep A locations
Transparency News 8/30/16
state government travel; USA gymnastics; small steps on transparency