Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 10/20/15
more pay; would lawsuit stifle citizen Qs?; no email, no texting
Transparency News 10/19/15
ABC told no; digitizing Central State; LPRs; origins of the right to know
Transparency News 10/16/15
meeting attendance; Roof partial gag; not expedited; out of state out
Transparency News 10/15/15
explain flag policy; citizen portal; Fairfax police depart; Cyber Dust
Transparency News 10/14/15
secretary; employee, not supervisors' privacy; don't discuss via email
Transparency News 10/13/15
deadline; meeting settlement; defamation; failed redaction?
Transparency News 10/12/15
of sealed or out-of-town settlements; corporate transparency; cameras
Transparency News 10/8/15
map-drawing confidentiality; if you didn't ask; AGs & the Clean Power FOIA; newsroom hackathons
Transparency News 10/7/15
use it against us; e-signatures; not certifying, but not saying; Mich St.
Transparency News 10/6/15
audit, finally; dismissive on FOIA; CPI sues FEC; link rot & opinion edits
Transparency News 10/5/15
fast-track search; prison reading; no calls; Forest Service fail
Transparency News 10/2/15
another deadline broken; lots of closed session; TPP drafts; Chaffetz
Transparency News 10/1/15
needless; drug secrecy; Wilson digitized; Vermont and the press
Transparency News 9/30/15
buyer or not; the transparency's everyone talking about; inconceivable
Transparency News 9/29/15
conflicts council meets; Albemarle marriage licenses; Army shops story
Transparency News 9/26/15
consolidation report w/held/released; sharing drugs but not info; trolls
Transparency News 9/25/15
sealed prosecution; nameless votes; guv's calendar; mayor's email
Transparency News 9/24/15
news outlets subpoenaed; school bus video; maps ordered released; childishness
Transparency News 9/23/15
report released; SCHEV in secret; KJ fights records request; reverse it
Transparency News 9/22/15
report to be released; to post plan or not; budget for FOIA; losing Virginia
Transparency News 9/21/15
audit, what audit?; out of line with FOIA; regent defends requests
Transparency News 9/18/15
Va. Sup. Ct. says no to access/redaction; transparency at its finest?
Transparency News 9/17/15
open or closed?; kicked out of church; Roof gag; Arsenic & Old Lace
Transparency News 9/16/15
personal, public; populations projections; privileged profanity
Transparency News 9/15/15
hunting leakers in Halifax; the getting-our-heads-together exemption