Transparency News
Our free daily email alert will keep you up to date with right-to-know, transparency, First Amendment and related issues in Virginia and around the country. The alert goes out 5 mornings a week and provides links to news stories, articles and commentaries, as well as updates on open government issues at the General Assembly or interim study commissions.
Transparency News 7/29/15
procurement; no word on resignation; riots; proactive release by police
Transparency News 7/28/15
data internships; police refusal; DataBridge; retention; prosecutors
Transparency News 7/27/15
whither audit?; registrar suit; 911 photos; classified or not?
Transparency News 7/24/15
recipients down; hashtag hubbub; fed FOIA ombudsman; Charleston gag
Transparency News 7/23/15
minimal progress; appeal set; Bakken notification; picture of corruption
Transparency News 7/22/15
meeting or info-gathering?; Rhyne on FOIA; Balto surveillance; the 411 on 311
Transparency News 7/21/15
no access to suicide records; superintendent salaries; private email
Transparency News 7/20/15
whether and when; oldest FOIA requests; Leopold; drug compounding
Transparency News 7/17/15
mobile complaints; more timely info;; prudent?
Transparency News 7/16/15
filming federal building; election FOIA; Rosenberg release
Transparency News 7/15/15
UVa + Sweet Briar?; police SLAPP; video release; Charleston gag
Transparency News 7/14/15
dislike; spending down; info block; donor names; hate speech
Transparency News 7/13/15
FOIA review forecast; one speaker?; digital county awards; depositions
Transparency News 7/9/15
FOIA appeal; hacking the archive; conflict or business?
Transparency News 7/8/15
to close or not to close; trespass plea; fed FOIA app makes things worse
Transparency News 7/7/15
property conflict; student board rep; not if I can't do business
Transparency News 7/6/15
data portal; consent agendas; Wisc. records debacle; 1st amendment support
Transparency News 7/3/15
partial payment; state police foia; $79,000 was implausible; midazolam secrecy
Transparency News 7/2/15
library records destroyed; fee fracas; not reappointed; classified?
Transparency News 7/1/15
final prayer; one defam suit settled, another started; minutes database
Transparency News 6/30/15
registrar; prayer fees; disaggregation; Hogan's sex tape; sign speech
Transparency News 6/29/15
donations & committees; suicide reports & discretion; K-12 financial info
Transparency News 6/25/15
changing spreadsheets; interviews unknown; prisoner publishing
Transparency News 6/24/15
Pittsylvania FOIA case; wildlife services; bad data; crash reports & DPPA
Transparency News 6/23/15
treasurer's ad; no more comments, even tho you can't read them; debates