Attorney General
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #068
Constitutional officers are not entitled to notice any better or any worse than that given to the general public.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #170
A death certificate, as a vital record, is not subject to disclosure under FOIA; however there is nothing to prevent someone with independent knowledge of a cause of death from commenting on it.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #420
Meetings to discuss employment terms and contract of school board superintendent are properly closed, but the action of employing the superintendent must take place in open session. Employment contract of school superintendent is open.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #426
Where city attorney calls in council members to prepare them as witnesses in a scheduled trial, there has been no meeting. No public policy is deliberated, the individuals were not gathered as an entity, and no action by the entity was anticipated.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #313
Nothing in FOIA or the Tax Code prevents disclosing a list of names of delinquent real estate taxpayers.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #418
An advisory committee, appointed by a circuit court in lieu of a governing body, that is supported by public funds, is subject to FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #424
Reports filed in confidence with state or local police are exempt.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #431
State university student government is subject to FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #427
All public bodies must take minutes at their open meetings. A tape recording of a public bodyÄ…s meeting is an acceptable form of meeting minutes. However, because FOIA allows inspection or copying of minutes, a public body may want to do something else.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #423
Even informal gatherings, such as over a meal, are meetings if part of the purpose is to discuss public business, or the gathering was prearranged with any purpose of discussing business. Notice provisions apply to executive session, as well as open meetings, therefore, notice of time and location of executive session must be given. Reconvening…
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #428
As long as a copy of a record is available, thereÄ…s no requirement that the custodian convert the copy to another medium preferred by the requester.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1984-85 #425
FOIA does not define financial statements so common definition prevails. Certain IRS forms not within common definition, so it can be disclosed.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #440
Any official public body action must take place in a meeting where the membership is physically present.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #437
Commonwealth attorney has no duty to represent private citizen in pursuing an FOIA request.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #446A
jail register or list of those incarcerated is subject to disclosure, except for names of juvenile offenders
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #449
Personnel reports that do not identify employees must be disclosed. Teacher evaluations on school ratings are open if executive meetings exclusions are not present.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #280
FOIA and Privacy Protection Act may work in concert; theyÄ…re not mutually exclusive.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #442
A board of equalization is subject to FOIA
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #420
Bank balances are official records.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #441
Nothing in FOIA prohibits a public body member for taking minutes at or tape recording a properly closed meeting.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #446
Financial data of retailers collected by an institution of higher learning for purposes of business research or publication are subject to disclosure.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #439
Virginia Division of Tourism cannot withhold business data submitted by Virginia travel attractions. A private company that is supported wholly or principally by public funds is subject to FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #445
Executive meetings should not be continued from one date to a subsequent date when the business before the body cannot be completed on the scheduled date.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #113
There is no law requiring a separate accounting for expenditures of funds, though any documentation on it would be subject to FOIA.
Attorney General’s Opinion 1983-84 #019
Report by the Psychiatric Advisory Committee is open to disclosure to the subject of the report.